Friday, February 17, 2012

Crazy Hairstyles

I did not have a lot to do this evening  so, I had to find something to do.  I said to myself I am going to have better luck upstairs so I had better get moving.  So I go upstairs and I find Selah [ my younger sister] dressing Livia up [my second to youngest sister]. I thought I would help.  So I said to Selah that I would do Livia's hair.  I braided her hair and put some clips in.  And it looked fabulous.  Selah also put make-up on her such as funky eyeliner, a lot of eyeshadow, and Mother's lipstick. 

Another hairstyle I did was another braid in Mom's hair.  That was what gave me the idea to post a new blog post.  Back to Mom's hair - once I did it Ma said it was a very good braid and I finally got the hair tie in the right place.  I felt really happy about how good I am with hairstyles.  I'm glad I got to post tonight.  Hope you're enjoying my blog!!

1 comment:

  1. Isaballa,

    I enjoy readng your blog. It gives me a glimpse of who you are. I like to see your interests and how you express them. I also think you are a talented writer. Keep up the good work.


    Auntie Barb


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